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functional synergy
intermuscular interaction
motor control
tactics of movement construction
trampoline jumping


The paper considers the structure of intermuscular synergetic interaction that ensures the athlete's body stopping on the trampoline after a jump. We compared the spatio-temporal characteristics of muscle synergies extracted from the skeletal muscles electroactivity amplitude and frequency of biopotentials data. The objective of the study was to find out whether the extracted kinematic modules represent the central mechanisms for the movement structure controlling as well as to determine the variables which should be stabilized by muscle synergies activity. The extraction of synergies was carried out using the matrix factorization method. It has been established that trampoline jump stopping can be performed using common patterns of muscle synergies spatio-temporal activation. The synergistic effects obtained using different approaches of instrumental assessment of skeletal muscle electroactivity probably reflect different control mechanisms implemented at different levels of the central nervous system. Muscle synergies are aimed at the stabilizing of the certain anthropometric points movement, as well as body segments, combined into kinematic modules. The structure of the kinematic modules themselves indicates the effective organization of intermuscular interaction, indirectly reflecting the central control mechanisms of complex multi-joint movement.
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